02. An Introduction to Mental Health

Today we speak with Cassey Chambers - the operations director of Africa’s largest mental health organisation: SADAG (The South African Depression & Anxiety Group). Cassey believes that “everyone should be informed about mental health”, yet as we know - that isn’t the reality. This gap in education on mental health results in many people not feeling a sense of connection and support in their lives, and not knowing a way forward. You can think of today’s conversation as that lesson on Mental Health that many of us never had while we were in school.

Our conversation touches on points such as:

  1. What is mental health?

  2. What are some of the signs/symptoms of a mental health concern?

  3. How can we better support one another -  what does it look like to have a conversation on mental health with someone you care for?

  4. What role does stigma play in us taking action on mental health concerns?

  5. Some practical tips to 'check-in' with ourselves and take care of our wellbeing

Mental Health is one of the fastest-growing global health concerns, hence this is an important conversation which we should all be having. If you feel this episode would benefit someone you know - do share a link with them.


03. Creating Space for Connection


01. A Model for Happiness & Wellbeing