06. Getting Out Of Your Head

“Life is too short to pretend that you are someone that you are not. Work on your self-expression, your personal freedom.”

Today's we're speaking about getting out of your head, using dance as a vehicle for mindfulness. Dancing is communication without words; life without narrative. Everybody is equal on a dance floor. Life is too short to pretend that you are someone that you are not. Mindful dancing is about dancing for yourself, and learning to let this way of being overflow into your life: having the courage to show up and be who you are, not striving to perfect the movements, but trusting yourself to flow with life. This episode is about learning to work on your self expression and your personal freedom.

I share this conversation with two incredible people: Kate Chojnacka and Tim Hermann, who facilitate dance and meditation at Google - alongside their day to day jobs.

If you would like a new perspective on how to manage stress, how to foster self expression and confidence, or how to take life a little less seriously - this episode is for you. Lean in and enjoy!


07. Purpose & Meaning at Work


05. You're feeling anxious? Me too.